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Friday, December 14, 2007

Wintry Hokkaido

back from hokkaido! lots of pictures and things to share ;)
the trip was a 7 day trip to sapporo (city in hokkaido) and other more rural areas.
practically snowed everyday! snow was like free of charge, every where and probably nothing fascinating for the locals there.

I saw the wonderful works of God, the mountains, the snow, volcanoes, hot springs, all so pretty.
Hokkaido is so different from tokyo. Tokyo (been there twice already) was much more fast paced while hokkaido's slightly more rural and slow paced, but still, nevertheless, very beautiful! there was also quite a lot of shopping, mostly food items la. and the people in the tour group really shopped for food non stop like there is no tomorrow? some of them were even shopping on the plane on our flight back! really amusing.

I was just thinking if i stayed in hokkaido i would be extremely depressed. Although it is pretty, the snow makes one feel sad.. like winter sonata. Plus, the day gets dark at about 3pm just after lunch!

dinner at one of the restaurants in sapporo airport upon arrival! fake food but still looks super yummy!

traditional ainu folk dance at the ainu museum at Porotokotan. Ainu is the indigenious people of hokkaido.

this is where the people used to live in. small houses with practically nothing!

superb seafood meal at a seafood market! super huge crab! its really super!!!!!!!!! oishi! we get to choose what we wanna eat at the market and they will prepare the sashimi and bring to the eating area upstairs! of course not cheap man! scallop+ sea urchin+ crab +...I'll definitely miss this meal the most.

the hot spring at di(4) yu(4) gu(3) or hell valley. smoky and the smell of burning sulphur attracted lots of crows. that night we stayed in a hot spring hotel, and me and my sis went for a dip at the hot spring nude. haha was a really funny experience.

dinner at the hot spring hotel! traditional japanese meal! also, the japanese would wear the robe to the hot spring as well.

snow mobile! was really fun! like driving a scooter! it was snowing heavily, and we were driving at 40km/hr. it was really cold and my fingers were really numb, cant move my finger, totally cant feel it and had to still press the button for it to move. poor thumb! freezing cold!

scallop rice! super nice as well!

city of sapporo! clock tower! finally saw like shopping malls so we were a little excited! Dimaru was like the best shopping mall there haha.

took a cable car to see the night view! could see where the pacific ocean and the sea of japan divided by sapporo!

wu(1) ling(2) ge(2), a star shaped park

japanese temple. started snowing when we went there. made the place even more beautiful. was very poetic and lyrical. the falling snow was very gentle.

will post more pictures, quite tired now! to be continued!

posted @10:57 PM

nice pixs! u visited half of the places that i did. And hot spring! haha. Sigh! One more person to share in the Hokkaido experience.

though i think Simin is quite weird that she had nothing to say about the trip... oh well! update again when i'm back from Vietnam. Merry Christmas in advance.
the scallop rice!
i want to eat it!!!

my friend didn't go for onsen
she couldn't stand being nude!!

will u really get depressed if u stay there long term?

and and...did u see stars there at night?
iheard u can ^^
yea, coz its not as developed and no sign of civilisation haha.
stars not really maybe coz its winter?
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